As you know, most films are seen in company, because it is much more fun to indulge in your favorite hobby with others and then exchange ideas about the best scenes. Even one or the other date can be the final touch with the right film, but caution is required when choosing the right one.

There are exceptions that should be consumed on their own and which are more relationship killers than sweetening their time together with the loved one. So please do not understand the following picture gallery as an inspiration for your next date, but rather enjoy it completely relaxed and alone. There are many platforms to watch tv shows and movies like iptv subscription which offers variety of shows and movies.


Gone Girl

The cinematic adaptation of the novel of the same name is absolutely worth seeing, but could provide one or the other skeptical look of your partner – no matter what you do. This is one of the most vile anti-relationships ever outlined. Abysses of a marriage par excellence!


Magic Mike

If you can’t bear your partner watching attractive people strip, then this Channing Tatum movie prefers to remove from your couple’s evening movie list. On its own, this film can perhaps be enjoyed more as a drama with a food for thought, which unfolds between impressive choreographies.


Jennifer’s Bodysuit

This horror strip isn’t necessarily something to cuddle with your seat neighbors. The seductively diabolical Megan Fox spends herself in “Jennifer’s Body” as a bloodthirsty male-eater and spoils any desire for all other activities after the film viewing



Puh, a real relationship drama as it stands in the book, which should not necessarily be taken as a model for existing or future relationships. Here, opinions could diverge greatly and the film viewing could ignite one or the other fundamental discussion.


Blue Valentine

Please do not be discouraged by this story, it can be quite nice to have a relationship and, if at all, must not necessarily end up so miserable. The story of the couple goes to the limits of what is tolerable and one is well advised to choose a slightly lighter meal at the film evening together.


Force Majeure

The Scandinavian drama is brilliant, but to be enjoyed with caution: during an avalanche, the father of the family first saves himself instead of bringing his children or his wife to safety. In “Higher Violence,” a single incident calls into question a complete relationship. It’s about questioning the character of your partner, trust and the male role model in our society. Nothing for in between and definitely nothing for a romantic evening for two!


Times of Turmoil

A marriage that slowly but surely dissolves into bitter recriminations and unending squabbles. The realistic spectacle of Leo and Kate doesn’t make things any better. A great drama, just not with the appropriate society.


The War of the Roses

A classic from the late 1980s that outlines a truly tragic and escalating divorce of a married couple. Hardly to be surpassed in malice, the strip with a quite comedic impact in the meantime provides again and again for entertaining moments. If you hate your partner from the bottom of your heart, then “The War of the Roses” is the right choice.


A Perfect Murder

The number of intrigues in this star-studded thriller is staggeringly high and the characters couldn’t be more perfidious: it’s about hatred, love, deceit, greed and guilt. You should watch the film alone, because the joint film viewing could well lead to discomfort and awaken the desire in you to question your partner’s intention.


Seven Damn Long Days

Finally, a pretty US dramedy that overflows with toxic relationships and a corked family. Here, different life plans collide and one should not necessarily use the film as a basis for discussion for one’s own relationship plans. Please watch alone!
